Organic Compost Tea Recipe for Healthy Gardens

Are you looking for a natural and effective way to boost the health of your garden? Look no further than organic compost tea. This homemade concoction is packed with beneficial microorganisms that can enhance soil fertility, promote plant growth, and provide natural defenses against pests and diseases.

Making your own organic compost tea is a simple process that requires a few key ingredients like ascorbic acid, liquid kelp, unsulfured molasses, worm castings, azomite, and mycorrhizae. With the help of a compost tea brewer and basic supplies, you can easily create this nutrient-rich elixir at home and give your plants the healthy boost they need.

Key Takeaways:

  • Organic compost tea is a fermented liquid that contains helpful microorganisms.
  • Making your own compost tea requires ingredients like ascorbic acid, liquid kelp, unsulfured molasses, worm castings, azomite, and mycorrhizae.
  • Compost tea helps improve soil health, enhance plant growth, and provide natural defenses against pests and diseases.
  • Regular application of compost tea can lead to healthier plants and increased yields.
  • By using organic compost tea, you can reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Why Use Compost Tea?

Compost tea offers numerous benefits to gardeners. It enriches soil with nutrients, improves soil structure, conserves water, and enhances plant growth. The microorganisms present in compost tea help suppress pathogens, reduce pest and disease issues, and increase plant resistance. Using compost tea can lead to healthier plants, bigger yields, and a more sustainable gardening approach.

Benefits of Compost TeaBenefits of Compost Tea
Enriches soil with nutrientsImproves soil structure
Conserves waterEnhances plant growth
Suppresses pathogensReduces pest and disease issues
Increases plant resistancePromotes sustainable gardening

What Is Compost Tea and How Does It Work?

Compost tea is a liquid fertilizer brewed from compost that contains a diverse community of beneficial microorganisms. This natural elixir is created by steeping compost in water, allowing the microorganisms to multiply and release their nutrients into the liquid. To enhance the nutrient content and microorganism population, ingredients such as ascorbic acid, liquid kelp, unsulfured molasses, worm castings, azomite, and mycorrhizae are commonly added to the brew. The brewing process can be either non-aerated or aerated, depending on the desired level of oxygenation. It typically takes about 24-36 hours to brew compost tea.

Compost tea provides a concentrated source of beneficial organisms, which promote plant growth and improve soil health. The brewed liquid contains a plethora of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes that play crucial roles in enhancing nutrient availability, suppressing pathogens, and improving overall plant resilience.

How to Make Compost Tea

Creating your own compost tea is a rewarding and simple process that can greatly benefit your garden. To start brewing your own batch of nutrient-rich compost tea, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:

  • Compost tea brewer
  • Powdered ascorbic acid
  • Liquid kelp
  • Unsulfured molasses
  • Worm castings
  • Azomite
  • Mycorrhizae
  • Brewer bag
  • Binder clips
  • Foliar leaf sprayer

If you plan to use tap water for your compost tea, it’s recommended to remove chlorine and chloramines. You can achieve this by either running the brewer for 48 hours prior to brewing or by adding ascorbic acid to neutralize the chemicals. This step ensures that the beneficial microorganisms in the tea are not harmed.

Once you have gathered all the ingredients and prepared the water, follow these steps to make compost tea:

  1. Fill the brewer bag with a combination of compost, worm castings, azomite, and mycorrhizae.
  2. Secure the brewer bag inside the compost tea brewer using binder clips.
  3. Add the recommended amounts of powdered ascorbic acid, liquid kelp, and unsulfured molasses to the brewer.
  4. Fill the brewer with water, leaving enough space for aeration.
  5. Turn on the aeration system to oxygenate the mixture. This promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
  6. Let the compost tea steep for approximately 24 hours, ensuring that the water remains aerated.

Pro tip: It’s crucial to adjust the brewing time based on the air temperature. Higher temperatures may require shorter brewing periods to prevent the tea from becoming anaerobic.

Once the brewing process is complete, you will have a brew of nutrient-rich compost tea. The tea can be used as a foliar spray by transferring it to a foliar leaf sprayer and applying it directly to the leaves of your plants. Alternatively, you can apply the compost tea directly to the roots of the plants for maximum nutrient absorption.

Remember to strain the compost tea thoroughly before spraying or applying it to prevent clogging the equipment.

By making your own compost tea, you can provide your plants with a natural and beneficial boost to their growth and overall health.

Compost Tea Instructions

Here is an image highlighting the step-by-step process of making compost tea:


Refer to this image as a visual guide while making your own compost tea. It will help you ensure that you follow each step correctly, resulting in a successful batch of nutrient-rich tea.

Types of Compost Tea

In addition to traditional compost tea, there are various types of compost tea that can be utilized in gardening. These different types offer unique benefits and can be tailored to specific gardening needs:

1. Plant Tea

Plant tea involves soaking nutrient-rich plants such as comfrey or nettle in water to extract valuable nutrients. These plants are known for their high mineral content and can be beneficial in promoting healthy plant growth.

2. Manure Tea

Manure tea is a fertilizer made by soaking aged manure in water. While it can be quite odorous, manure tea is a natural source of nutrients that can enrich the soil and support plant growth.

3. Commercial Microbial Tea

Commercial microbial tea is a ready-to-use mix designed to address specific plant issues. These teas are formulated with specific beneficial microorganisms and can help boost plant health and combat specific problems. However, homemade compost tea is often preferred for its higher microorganism content.

4. Compost Leachate

Compost leachate is the liquid that leaches through vermicompost or compost piles. While it contains fewer live microbes compared to traditional compost tea, it still offers valuable nutrients. Compost leachate can be used as an additional source of nutrition for plants.

Each type of compost tea offers its own advantages and can be incorporated into a comprehensive garden care routine. Experimenting with different teas can help optimize plant health and maximize gardening success.

different types of compost tea

Benefits of Compost Tea

While scientific studies on compost tea are limited, many gardeners attest to its benefits. Compost tea offers a range of advantages that contribute to healthier plants and more productive gardens.

Enhanced Plant Growth

Compost tea provides a readily available source of nutrients to plants, promoting their growth and development. The organic matter and beneficial microorganisms in compost tea help plants absorb essential nutrients more efficiently, resulting in improved overall plant health.

Increased Yields

By enhancing the nutrient content of the soil, compost tea can significantly increase yields. The nutrients and microorganisms in the tea work together to support robust plant growth, leading to bigger harvests and more bountiful crops.

Improved Soil Health

Compost tea helps improve soil structure and fertility. The microorganisms present in the tea break down organic matter, releasing nutrients and enzymes that enhance the soil’s ability to hold water and nutrients. This, in turn, creates a healthier environment for plant roots and improves overall soil health and quality.

Pathogen Suppression

Compost tea can help suppress the growth of pathogens in the soil. The beneficial microorganisms present in the tea compete with harmful pathogens for resources and space, reducing the risk of plant diseases. This natural defense mechanism can significantly improve plant resilience and reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

Promotion of Beneficial Microorganisms

Compost tea fosters the growth and activity of beneficial microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi. These organisms form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, aiding in nutrient absorption and improving overall plant health. By promoting the growth of these beneficial microorganisms, compost tea contributes to a thriving soil ecosystem.

Overall, compost tea offers a natural and sustainable approach to plant care. Its numerous benefits make it a valuable tool for gardeners seeking to optimize plant growth, increase yields, and cultivate resilient and healthy gardens.

How to Apply Compost Tea

Compost tea is a versatile fertilizer that can be applied to plants using two main methods: as a foliar spray or as a root drench. Both methods provide plants with the beneficial nutrients and microorganisms found in compost tea, promoting healthier growth and increased yields.

Foliar Spray

When applying compost tea as a foliar spray, it is important to do so in the evening to avoid leaf burn caused by direct sunlight. This method involves spraying the compost tea directly onto the leaves of the plants, allowing the nutrients and microorganisms to be absorbed through the leaf surface. It is a quick and effective way to deliver the benefits of compost tea directly to the plant’s foliage.

Tip: To create a foliar spray, use a spray bottle or a garden sprayer with a fine mist setting for even coverage.

Root Drench

An alternative method for applying compost tea is as a root drench. To apply compost tea as a root drench, pour the tea around the base of the plants, allowing it to saturate the soil and come into contact with the plant’s roots. This method ensures that the nutrients and microorganisms in the compost tea are absorbed directly into the root zone, where they can have the most significant impact on plant health.

Tip: To ensure even distribution, consider using a watering can or a drip irrigation system when applying compost tea as a root drench.

For optimal results, it is recommended to apply compost tea on a weekly basis throughout the growing season. This regular application provides plants with a consistent supply of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, promoting overall plant health and vitality.

Compost tea can be a valuable addition to your gardening routine, providing plants with the essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms they need to thrive. Whether applied as a foliar spray or a root drench, compost tea offers a natural and sustainable way to support healthy plant growth and enhance overall garden productivity.

Tips for Making Compost Tea

When it comes to making compost tea, there are several tips that can help you achieve the best results. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Water source: It is recommended to use rainwater or let tap water sit for 24-48 hours to allow chlorine to dissipate before brewing the compost tea. Chlorine can harm the beneficial microorganisms present in the tea.
  2. Binder clips: Use binder clips to securely fasten the brewer bag inside the compost tea brewer. This will keep the bag in place and prevent it from floating to the surface during brewing.
  3. Temperature control: Maintaining a temperature range of 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit during the brewing process is ideal for promoting optimal microbial growth. Avoid extreme heat or cold, as it can hinder the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
  4. Compost tea bag: Consider using a paint can liner as a compost tea bag. This provides a convenient and affordable option for holding the compost while allowing water to circulate freely for effective brewing.
  5. Application method: To make the application process more efficient, consider using a backpack sprayer. This allows for easy and even distribution of the compost tea onto the plants.

By implementing these tips, you can ensure that your compost tea brewing process is smooth and yields high-quality tea that is rich in beneficial microorganisms and nutrients, ready to boost the health and vitality of your garden.

Common Compost Tea Mistakes to Avoid

When making compost tea, it’s essential to steer clear of certain mistakes to ensure the best results for your plants. Avoiding these common pitfalls can help maintain the effectiveness and quality of your compost tea:

  1. Using chlorinated tap water: Using chlorinated tap water without appropriate removal methods can harm the beneficial microorganisms in the tea. Chlorine is known for its antimicrobial properties, so it’s important to consider using alternative water sources or employing dechlorination methods.
  2. Failure to clean the equipment: Neglecting to clean the brewing equipment before starting the process can introduce harmful pathogens into the tea. Proper sanitation is crucial to prevent contamination and maintain the integrity of the compost tea.
  3. Adding sugar or molasses: Although sugar or molasses may sound like beneficial additions to compost tea, they can actually increase the populations of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid imbalance and ensure the growth of beneficial microorganisms, stick to the recommended ingredients and proportions.
  4. Not following brewing instructions: Each compost tea recipe comes with specific brewing instructions, including factors like brewing time, temperature, and aeration. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to maximize the effectiveness of the tea.
  5. Improper application: Applying compost tea in incorrect dilutions or using it beyond its recommended shelf life can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria in the solution. To prevent this, ensure you apply compost tea in the appropriate concentrations and use it within four hours of brewing.

By avoiding these common compost tea mistakes, you can maintain the quality and effectiveness of your homemade brew, ensuring optimal benefits for your plants and soil.

compost tea mistakes
Using chlorinated tap waterHarms beneficial microorganisms
Failure to clean the equipmentIntroduces harmful pathogens
Adding sugar or molassesIncreases population of pathogenic microorganisms
Not following brewing instructionsReduces effectiveness of the tea
Improper applicationAllows growth of harmful bacteria

Compost Tea and Gardening Success

Incorporating compost tea into your gardening routine can have a significant impact on the success of your plants and overall gardening endeavors. By utilizing compost tea, you provide your garden with a wealth of benefits that contribute to plant health, growth enhancement, and improved yields.

Compost tea is known for its ability to introduce beneficial microorganisms, essential nutrients, and organic matter into the soil. These components work together to create an optimal environment for plant growth and development.

One of the key advantages of compost tea is its role in supporting plant health. The microorganisms present in the tea help regulate soil pH, improve nutrient availability, and break down organic matter into forms that plants can readily absorb. This boosts the immune system of your plants, making them more resistant to diseases and pests.

Furthermore, compost tea encourages robust plant growth and increased yields. The nutrients in the tea serve as a sustainable food source for your plants, promoting vigorous vegetative growth, flower formation, and fruit development. The presence of beneficial microorganisms also enhances root development and nutrient uptake, resulting in healthier and more productive plants.

By incorporating organic compost tea into your gardening practices, you can reduce your reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Compost tea provides a natural and sustainable alternative that supports a healthy ecosystem in your garden. It promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms, which in turn help to break down organic matter and cycle nutrients more efficiently.

Experimenting with different ingredients and brewing methods allows you to customize your compost tea recipe to suit your specific plants and gardening goals. Whether you have a vegetable garden, flower beds, or a landscape to maintain, compost tea can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your plants.

By harnessing the power of organic compost tea, you can create an environment in your garden that fosters plant health, improves growth and productivity, and promotes a sustainable approach to gardening. Embrace the benefits of compost tea and unlock the full potential of your garden.

“Compost tea provides your garden with a natural and sustainable boost, creating an environment where plants thrive.”


Compost tea is an excellent organic solution for gardeners looking to enhance the health and productivity of their plants. By following a simple compost tea recipe and incorporating the brewing process into your gardening routine, you can provide your plants with a rich source of beneficial microorganisms and essential nutrients.

Regularly applying compost tea to your garden can lead to healthier and more vibrant plants. The microorganisms present in compost tea help improve soil health, increase nutrient availability, and enhance plant growth. This natural approach can also reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, promoting a more sustainable and eco-friendly gardening practice.

Experiment with different ingredients and brewing methods to find the perfect compost tea recipe that suits your garden’s needs. Whether you choose to use worm castings, mycorrhizae, or other organic materials, the key is to create a nutrient-rich liquid that will nourish your plants from the roots to the leaves.

So why wait? Start brewing your own organic compost tea today and witness the transformation in your garden. With its numerous benefits, compost tea is a must-have addition to any gardener’s toolkit. Embrace the power of nature and watch your plants thrive!


What is compost tea?

Compost tea is a fermented liquid that concentrates helpful microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, into a form that is easily absorbed by plants.

Why should I use compost tea in my garden?

Compost tea improves soil health, enhances plant growth, increases yields, and provides natural defenses against pests and diseases.

How do I make compost tea?

To make compost tea, you’ll need a compost tea brewer and ingredients like ascorbic acid, liquid kelp, unsulfured molasses, worm castings, azomite, and mycorrhizae. The brewing process involves steeping the ingredients in water for 24-36 hours.

What are the different types of compost tea?

In addition to traditional compost tea, you can make plant tea by soaking nutritious plants, create manure tea by soaking aged manure, or use commercial microbial tea. Compost leachate is also a liquid with fewer live microbes that leaches through vermicompost or compost piles.

What are the benefits of using compost tea?

Compost tea enriches soil with nutrients, improves soil structure, conserves water, and enhances plant growth. It also helps suppress pathogens, reduce pest and disease issues, and increase plant resistance.

How do I apply compost tea to my plants?

Compost tea can be applied as a foliar spray or as a root drench. As a foliar spray, it is best to apply in the evening, and as a root drench, it should be poured around the base of plants.

What are some tips for making compost tea?

Tips for making compost tea include using rainwater or removing chlorine from tap water, securing the brewer bag, keeping the brewing temperature within a certain range, and using specific equipment for brewing and application.

What mistakes should I avoid when making compost tea?

Mistakes to avoid include using chlorinated tap water without removal methods, failure to clean the equipment, adding sugar or molasses, not following proper brewing instructions, and not using the tea within four hours.

How can compost tea contribute to gardening success?

Incorporating compost tea into your gardening routine can contribute to overall gardening success by providing beneficial microorganisms, nutrients, and organic matter to the soil, promoting plant health, and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

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