Porcellio laevis – Dairy Cow Isopods: An Overview

Porcellio laevis, commonly known as Dairy Cow Isopods, are fascinating crustaceans that have captured the attention of both beginners and experienced keepers. These isopods, also known as pill bugs, woodlice, or roly-polies, belong to the family Isopoda and are considered terrestrial isopods. They are part of a diverse group of arthropods known for their unique habitat preferences and bioactive potential.

Dairy Cow Isopods, named for their mottled black and white coloration, are a versatile species that can be found in various parts of the world. They make excellent additions to a terrarium or vivarium setup, as they contribute to the overall health of the environment. These isopods are skilled at processing organic waste material and aerating the substrate, making them efficient bioactive cleaners.

Key Takeaways:

  • Porcellio laevis, also known as Dairy Cow Isopods, are popular among beginners and experienced keepers.
  • They have distinct black and white coloration and are known for their bioactive potential.
  • Dairy Cow Isopods are widely available and have a wide distribution across the world.
  • They are beneficial in a terrarium or vivarium setup, as they process organic waste and aerate the substrate.
  • Their unique coloration is a result of the “dalmatian gene” present in other isopod species.
dairy cow isopod

Benefits of Dairy Cow Isopods

Dairy Cow Isopods, also known as Porcellio laevis, offer several benefits to hobbyists and enthusiasts. One of their primary advantages is their role as an effective cleanup crew in terrariums and vivariums. These isopods excel at processing organic waste material, helping to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Their natural behavior of burrowing and moving through the substrate also contributes to bioactivity, promoting nutrient cycling and decomposition.

In addition to their cleanup abilities, Dairy Cow Isopods are known for their ease of breeding. They have a relatively quick breeding cycle and produce a large number of offspring, making it possible to establish and expand a colony with relative ease. This makes them a suitable choice for beginners and experienced keepers alike, providing a rewarding and sustainable isopod population.

Another advantage of Dairy Cow Isopods is their affordability. They are widely available in the hobby and can be purchased at reasonable prices. This accessibility makes it easier for enthusiasts to obtain and maintain colonies of these isopods without breaking the bank. Whether you’re starting a new bioactive setup or looking to enhance an existing one, Dairy Cow Isopods offer a cost-effective solution.

Bioactivity and Cleaning Capabilities

The bioactivity generated by Dairy Cow Isopods is beneficial for maintaining a healthy terrarium or vivarium. As they burrow and move through the substrate, they help to aerate it, promoting optimal root growth for live plants. Their feeding behavior also contributes to the breakdown of organic matter, which aids in nutrient cycling and prevents the buildup of waste material. By incorporating a population of Dairy Cow Isopods into your setup, you can create a balanced and self-sustaining ecosystem.

Benefits of Dairy Cow Isopods 
Effective cleanup crewThe isopods process organic waste material, maintaining a clean environment.
Easy breedingDairy Cow Isopods have a quick breeding cycle and produce a large number of offspring.
AffordabilityThey are widely available and can be purchased at reasonable prices.
Bioactivity and cleaning capabilitiesThe isopods contribute to the breakdown of organic matter and promote nutrient cycling.

Dairy Cow Isopods Care

Proper care is essential for the health and well-being of Dairy Cow Isopods (Porcellio laevis). Here are some key factors to consider when providing their ideal habitat:

Housing and Container

Dairy Cow Isopods require a well-ventilated container that allows for air circulation. An acrylic or glass enclosure with a secure lid is recommended to prevent escapes. Ensure the container is of adequate size to accommodate their population and provide enough space for movement.


A suitable substrate is crucial for Dairy Cow Isopods. A balanced tropical blend that retains moisture, promotes aeration, and allows for drainage is ideal. The substrate should consist of materials like peat moss, coconut fiber, and leaf litter, providing a natural environment for the isopods to thrive.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is important for the well-being of Dairy Cow Isopods. The temperature should range between 70-85°F (21-30°C). Humidity levels should be kept at 80% or higher to mimic their natural habitat. Regular monitoring of temperature and humidity is essential to ensure optimal conditions.

Food and Feeding

Dairy Cow Isopods are omnivorous and have a varied diet. They feed on decaying organic matter, vegetables, fruits, and protein sources. Providing a balanced diet is essential to meet their nutritional needs. Offer a combination of leaf litter, fruits and vegetables, fish flakes, and calcium-rich food items like cuttlebone or powdered supplements.


Successful breeding of Dairy Cow Isopods requires a conducive environment. Maintain high humidity levels and ensure there are enough hiding spots and suitable surfaces for females to lay their eggs. Baby isopods will hatch after a few weeks, contributing to the growth of your colony.

By providing the right habitat, substrate, temperature, humidity, and a balanced diet, you can ensure the well-being and thriving population of Dairy Cow Isopods in your care!

Housing and ContainerWell-ventilated acrylic or glass enclosure
SubstrateBalanced tropical blend with moisture retention, aeration, and drainage
Temperature70-85°F (21-30°C)
Humidity80% or higher
FoodDecaying organic matter, vegetables, fruits, and protein sources
BreedingHigh humidity, suitable surfaces for egg-laying

Where to Find Dairy Cow Isopods for Sale?

If you’re looking to purchase Dairy Cow Isopods (Porcellio laevis) for your terrarium or vivarium setup, there are several reputable suppliers to consider. One highly recommended option is Rubber Ducky Isopods. They offer culture start-up systems that include Dairy Cow Isopods, organic sphagnum moss, and isopod superfood. With transparent pricing and free standard shipping, they make it easy to get started with your isopod colony.

When buying Dairy Cow Isopods or any other isopod species, it’s important to choose a reliable supplier. Look for suppliers who prioritize the health and well-being of their isopods. They should provide detailed information about the care and requirements of the isopods they sell, as well as offer support and guidance to ensure a successful experience for the buyer.

Table 1: Comparison of Isopod Suppliers

SupplierIsopod Species AvailableShipping OptionsPrice RangeCustomer Reviews
Rubber Ducky IsopodsDairy Cow Isopods, other speciesFree standard shipping$20-$40 (depending on package)4.5 stars
Isopod SourceVarious speciesStandard and express shipping$15-$50 (depending on package)4 stars
The Isopod ConnectionVarious speciesStandard and expedited shipping$10-$60 (depending on package)4.2 stars

It’s always a good idea to read customer reviews and compare prices and shipping options before making a purchase. Remember to check the supplier’s policies regarding live arrival guarantees and any additional care information they may provide. With the right supplier, you can confidently add Dairy Cow Isopods to your collection and enjoy the benefits they bring to your bioactive setup.

Introduction to Dairy Cow Isopods: A Beginner Species

If you’re new to the world of isopods and looking for a beginner-friendly species, look no further than the Dairy Cow Isopod, scientifically known as Porcellio laevis. These fascinating crustaceans are commonly referred to as “Dairy Cows” due to their unique black and white coloration, resembling the pattern seen on dairy cows.

One of the reasons why Dairy Cow Isopods are a great choice for beginners is their versatility and ease of care. They can be a valuable addition to vermiculture and worm farming setups, aiding in the decomposition of organic matter. Furthermore, these isopods are excellent agents of bioactivity and can help keep terrariums and vivariums clean by efficiently processing decaying organic waste material.

When it comes to their habitat, Dairy Cow Isopods thrive in warm and humid environments, with temperature ranges between 70 and 85°F (21-30°C) and humidity levels at 80% or higher. They have a voracious appetite and enjoy a varied diet consisting of detritus, vegetables, protein, and calcium-rich foods. Housing them in a well-ventilated container with a well-balanced tropical substrate will provide them with the ideal conditions for growth and breeding.

Dairy Cow Isopods: Key Points

  • Beginner-friendly isopod species
  • Valuable addition to vermiculture and worm farming setups
  • Efficiently process organic waste material in terrariums and vivariums
  • Thrive in warm and humid environments
  • Require a well-balanced tropical substrate and a varied diet

“Dairy Cow Isopods are not only aesthetically pleasing with their black and white coloration, but they also play an important role in maintaining a healthy and clean terrarium. Their ability to break down organic matter makes them valuable participants in the natural ecosystem of bioactive setups.” – Isopod Enthusiast

Common NameScientific NameOrigins
Dairy Cow IsopodPorcellio laevisEurope and North America

Appearance and Size of Dairy Cow Isopods

Dairy Cow Isopods, scientifically known as Porcellio laevis, are visually striking with their distinctive black and white pattern on their shiny exoskeletons. This unique coloration gives them their popular nickname, “Dairy Cattle.” They are larger in size compared to other isopod species, growing to a range of 1.5-2.4 cm. Their robust size and striking appearance make them a captivating addition to bioactive setups and terrariums.

The Dairy Cow Isopods’ appearance is further enhanced by the variations found within their population, also known as isopod morphs. These morphs are characterized by differences in coloration, pattern, or other physical attributes. While the black and white coloration is the most common, some morphs may exhibit variations in intensity or pattern, making each individual isopod uniquely beautiful.

It is important to note that Dairy Cow Isopods can display aggressive behavior towards smaller isopod species. To ensure compatibility within a bioactive setup, it is recommended to pair them with larger animals or species that can hold their own against the Dairy Cow Isopods’ size and activity levels.

Dairy Cow Isopods 
Scientific NamePorcellio laevis
Common NameDairy Cow Isopods
Size1.5-2.4 cm
ColorationBlack and white
MorphsVaried color patterns within the population

Husbandry and Diet of Dairy Cow Isopods

Proper husbandry is essential for the health and well-being of Dairy Cow Isopods. These isopods require a warm and humid environment to thrive. It is recommended to keep them in a ventilated acrylic or glass enclosure to ensure proper airflow. Maintaining a temperature range of 70-85°F (21-30°C) and humidity levels of 80% or higher is crucial for their overall success. Regular monitoring of these conditions is important to prevent any negative impact on their health.

Dairy Cow Isopods have specific dietary requirements to meet their nutritional needs. Their diet should consist of a variety of food sources to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients. A fiber-based diet is essential to provide them with the necessary roughage for digestion. Leaf litter, decaying hardwood, and paper egg flats can serve as excellent sources of fibrous material. Additionally, a vegetable-based diet is important to provide them with vitamins and minerals. This can include freeze-dried peas/beans, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and other plant matter. Protein is also an essential component of their diet, which can be supplied through sources like yeast, shrimp meal/pellets, and insect frass.

It is important to avoid overfeeding Dairy Cow Isopods, as this can lead to mold growth and pest infestations. Regularly assess their food consumption and adjust the quantity accordingly. Providing a varied diet will not only ensure their nutritional needs are met but also stimulate their natural foraging behavior. Remember to remove any uneaten food to maintain a clean and hygienic habitat for the isopods.

Table: Isopod Diet Recommendations

Food SourceType of Diet
Leaf litter, decaying hardwood, paper egg flatsFiber-based
Freeze-dried peas/beans, mushrooms, sweet potatoesVegetable-based
Yeast, shrimp meal/pellets, insect frassProtein-based

By providing proper husbandry and a well-balanced diet, you can ensure the health and longevity of your Dairy Cow Isopods. Monitoring their habitat conditions and adjusting their food intake accordingly will contribute to their overall well-being in a captive environment.

Breeding Dairy Cow Isopods

Breeding Dairy Cow Isopods is a fascinating process that allows enthusiasts to expand their isopod colonies. Creating the perfect environment for breeding is crucial to ensure the success of the breeding endeavors. By providing a warm and humid habitat, you can increase the chances of successful reproduction.

Identifying the females and males is an important step in the breeding process. Females can be distinguished by the presence of a white cavity between their legs, while males lack this feature. It is advisable to have a ratio of one male for every two to three females in the colony to encourage successful breeding.

Dairy Cow Isopods are known for their prolific breeding abilities. After a few weeks of starting a colony, you can expect to see baby isopods. These tiny offspring are an exciting sight and indicate a healthy and thriving colony. With proper care and attention to their habitat, you can enjoy the wonder of observing the lifecycle of these amazing creatures.

“Breeding Dairy Cow Isopods is a rewarding experience that allows you to witness the natural process of life unfolding. From the courtship rituals to the hatching of the tiny offspring, every stage is filled with wonder and amazement. It’s a reminder of the beauty and complexity of nature.”

– Isopod Enthusiast


Key Factors for Successful BreedingDetails
TemperatureKeep the habitat within a range of 70-85°F (21-30°C) to provide optimal conditions for breeding.
HumidityMaintain humidity levels of 80% or higher to create a moist environment that supports breeding.
Male-to-Female RatioFor successful breeding, aim for a ratio of one male to every two to three females in the colony.
Careful ObservationRegularly monitor the habitat and observe the behavior of the isopods to ensure a healthy breeding environment.


To conclude, Porcellio laevis, also known as Dairy Cow Isopods, are a fascinating and popular species in the world of isopod enthusiasts. Their mottled black and white coloration and bioactive potential make them a versatile addition to bioactive setups and terrariums. These isopods offer many benefits, including their ability to act as a cleanup crew, their ease of breeding, and their affordability.

When caring for Dairy Cow Isopods, it is crucial to provide them with suitable containers, well-balanced substrates, and the appropriate temperature and humidity levels. Their diet should consist of a variety of food sources to ensure their nutritional needs are met. It is worth mentioning that they are prolific breeders, which means you can expect to see baby isopods after establishing a colony.

If you are interested in adding Dairy Cow Isopods to your collection, they are readily available for sale online from reputable suppliers like Rubber Ducky Isopods. With their distinctive appearance and beneficial qualities, Dairy Cow Isopods are an exciting and captivating species that will enhance the health and beauty of any terrarium or vivarium.


Are Dairy Cow Isopods suitable for beginners?

Yes, Dairy Cow Isopods are a popular species for beginners and experienced keepers alike.

What are the benefits of keeping Dairy Cow Isopods?

Dairy Cow Isopods are good at processing organic waste and aerating the substrate in a terrarium or vivarium. They are also easy to breed and widely available at an affordable price.

How should I care for Dairy Cow Isopods?

Provide them with a reasonably sized container with ventilation, a well-balanced tropical substrate, and a warm and humid environment. Feed them a variety of detritus, vegetables, protein, and calcium.

Where can I find Dairy Cow Isopods for sale?

You can find Dairy Cow Isopods for sale online, and one recommended supplier is Rubber Ducky Isopods, which offers culture start-up systems with transparent pricing and free standard shipping.

Why are Dairy Cow Isopods considered a top beginner species?

They are excellent for vermiculture and worm farming, clean up terrariums and vivariums, and are widely used to clean up waste from reptiles. They are also easy to care for and breed.

What do Dairy Cow Isopods look like?

Dairy Cow Isopods have a distinctive black and white coloration on their shiny exoskeletons, resembling dairy cows. They can grow to a size of 1.5-2.4 cm.

What should I feed Dairy Cow Isopods?

Their diet consists of decaying hardwood, leaf litter, paper egg flats, vegetables, protein, and calcium sources. It is important not to overfeed them to avoid mold growth and pest infestations.

How do I breed Dairy Cow Isopods?

Provide a humid and warm environment, and identify females by the white cavity between their legs. Dairy Cow Isopods are prolific breeders, and baby isopods can be expected after a few weeks of starting a colony.

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